Coming Out Of Hiding

Welcome back to my blog. I say welcome back, I didn't really write that many when I was here:) I have been in hiding a little bit and not because of the Covid19 issue that we have in the world right now, but because I have been a little bit burnt out and because I never end up getting the rest I really need I have just been in a bit of a negative cycle in several ways. I have also been guilty of compromising myself and my work by allowing myself to feel I needed certain places or people in order live my life and work well, but I don't and I think that in the end I have ended up in a better place working from home for the time being. Had I not been working from home at the beginning of this pandemic I could have been in a poky little booth working too close for comfort with people and them handling my cards and I would have been putting myself at risk, but thankfully I was working at home when everything started to get serious. So thankyou to my lovely guides for helping me in that respect. I also have an bit of an obscure illness that I am now getting on top of so all in all I am in a better place at the moment and getting better all the time.
So let me tell you about my plans for the future. I aim to make it so that I can work remotely for all areas of my workings. I already do phone readings and email and chat, just recently I have discovered the magic of WhatsApp and I am working out how to do video calls. I have started a YouTube channel but only posted a few video's on it for the moment, but I plan more. I have a mass of guided meditations that I aim to get in video form and I also plan to do monthly readings, working up to small daily guidance messages. I have already started my daily guidance posts back on Instagram and Facebook but I think that small ten minute live video's in the morning would be nice for people to watch to start their day. I do plan to do a grounding and protection video so that people can put it on every morning so they can get themselves ready and started for the day. I also plan to do some online classes and work out how to use zoom so I can working that way also. I am planning to blog regularly and I am writing a book :) I have so many things I want to do and start this year and next, and so I need to get into a routine :)
The other thing I will be doing is opening a small shop at some point. I have made my mind up that I will never go back to allowing someone to take commission from my work as it compromises who I am and if I want to give a freebie out to help someone I am finding that I am having to explain myself to the rolling eyes of someone that is only interested in making money. So when this pandemic is starting to lift I will have a little shop and of course I will do some face to face readings at it but they will be bookings only because I will be selling as well as doing readings. Now at the moment I am working on building up some stock ready for the shop. Those of you that know me will know I have my own set of symbols and I plan to put them on jewellery and pictures and I make wire sculptures and I do my lovely one card tarot readings to take away with you. I have so many ideas and being forced to be at home a lot.... I say forced.... I am a bit of a hermit anyway.... and I am enjoying this quiet time working from home..... as I was saying, I can start planning now and not have to worry about anyone else because I am given the freedom finally to do as I wish.
So that is just a small look into my life at the moment and I do hope that if you are reading this then you will pop back and see what I am up to.
I have a Grandson now as well and I cannot tell you how wonderful he is, of course he has interesting numbers in his numerology chart and some rare lines on his palms... he is my Grandson lets face it :) I love him so much, unless you are a Grandparent you cannot understand what that love is like. It is wonderful and that is the only regret I have with the Covid19 that I cannot see him as much as I would like.
So I will sign off for now and I am going to get writing more so you can get to know me and if you want to follow my daily guidance either find me on Facebook or Instagram or twitter and of course look for me with WarriorChick13 :) all my love to you who is reading this Suzi xxx xxx x xxx xxx