Big Brother Is Back !!!

Welcome to my first blog of many about the Big Brother show. I cannot believe it is finally back and here is how this will work over the following weeks. I am hoping to watch every program and I will blog about it in the style of my immediate reaction and may lay some cards out at the same time. So when you are reading it you will be reading as if you are sitting here listening to me. I want to give my honest opinion and also the opinion of the tarot and what I am picking up and see what comes of it. I love the show so will have the live streaming on when it is available. I am just setting up a Facebook page called WarriorChick13 Does Big Brother, and on there I am hoping to keep up with posts about the cards and what they say about each contestant and I will be able to put images on there for you to see . Btw just a side note I have the starman tarot which is a homage to David Bowie so they will be making an appearance for some of the readings.
Okay its started and the diary room chair is amazing. Okay I will be using my Santa Muerte deck of cards tonight.
Okay Jenkin 'the only gay in the village' Initial feelings I do like his energy but I feel as if he will be one of those with hidden depths when you get to know him. I also feel as if he will get on peoples nerves a lot :) He has a lot of nervous energy and the over confidence is to hide his lack of confidence. Thats what I pick up. Cards are Judgement crossed with the page of cups.
Okay 2nd housemate Ferida. Liking her right away but I feel as if she is the kind of lady that will say it as it is. Her energy is a bit as if she will change a lot as she is in to win but she will make friends in there I feel Cards are the 10 of pentacles crossed with the 7 of pentacles. So when she says she is in it to win it she means that, its about the money for her not the experience.
3rd is Tom, not sure on his energy really. I do feel that he is in it for the fame right off. Although you know there is something that will surprise us about him and I am sure he will reveal a hidden side to him. Feel like he could be someone that cries in there. Cards are the Hierophant crossed with the 4 of cups.
4th is Halley. Over confident and I feel again that she is someone that tries to act tougher than she is. I feel that she is putting on the tough side and that she is really very insecure and feels she has a lot to prove. We are going to find out loads about her and I think she will be nicer than she appears on her video. Her cards are the Sun crossed with the Queen of wands.
5th is Trish. Odd energy because I feel like I should like her, but I feel like she could be a real bitch. I think that she is going to be one that I like going in but then change my mind when I see her in the house as time goes on. I feel like she can manipulate as well. Cards are Temperance crossed with the 9 of cups.
ooooooooooooh this is big brother yaaaaaaaaay loving it haha.
haha Jenkin separated himself right away then so he could watch what is going on.
Yinrun is 6th. I dont know where she is going to say people are polite in the uk hahaha. I like her, dont know why but I do, just love the energy. She is nervous but will be quite fun and genuine I feel. Her cards are the 4 of swords crossed with the 2 of cups.
yes I like her energy and loving it how ferida is already acting like a mum and the way she is greeting people. Ooooooooh I think this is a set up and trying to
Jordan is 7th. Odd feeling about him, not really sure right from the start. I feel like there could be a lot of game playing with him. I do feel though that I could end up liking him right from the start. As Im tuning in more his energy is a bit like Brian..... tim nice but dim springs to mind lol. His cards are The wheel of fortune crossed with the knight of pentacles.
8th is Zak and I feel that he is in it for the fame and that he could be a lot of fun and will mess about and I do feel that he will offend so many people because he wont stop trying to have fun lol. His cards are the Sun and crossed with the 8 of wands.
9th is Chanelle. I feel as if she could be a bit manipulative right from the start. I also feel crying and temper tantrums. I think I could like her though for some reason lol. Cards are the 6 of pentacles crossed with the 2 of wands. The images on these cards say it all though I will publish those on my new facebook page.
10th is Dylan. Bit loves himself I think and he feels as if he is that kind of person that has confidence and too much of it. His cards are the 2 of wands crossed with the Queen of swords. Very full of himself.
11th housemate Noky. She is verry confident and I do feel that she will get knocked off her pedestal so to speak. Her cards are judgement crossed with the ace of pentacles. Not sure about her neutral feelings.
Ooooooooh hide and seek lol I am liking Jenkins right away. So excited I cant tell you haha.
12th housemate Matty. He is one that Im not liking right away but I think I will like him as the series goes on. I think that he will be a bit over board trying to get the public to like him, but I think that he may surprise me. His cards are the Knight of wands crossed with the wheel of fortune.
I am so loving Yinrun and Jenkins I think they are my faves so far. I really like the energy from Yinrum. Omg no hot water for Jenkin, look at his face. ohhhh look at them laughing at him. He needs to take not of who is lauging there for the future haha.
13th is Paul and the first words I said out loud then were 'he is a cunt' lol This is an unedited blog so if you are offended then please move on. I just dont like his energy right away. I keep dropping the cards when Im shuffling for Paul so Im sure someone in spirit is upset with me for calling him a cunt lol. I may change my mind but Im going off the initial energy as he shows going in. His cards are the ace of swords crossed with the 9 of wands.
House mate 14th is Henry. I feel like he is an odd one, I dont like him because he is a tory but then I am sure he may have hidden depths and will cause so many arguments about politics in the house. Page of pentacles crossed with the moon. What a dick saying he needs to be shown how to cook and clean. That is so he can win the show
House mate 15th Olivia. Acting confident but I feel like she is not. I get the impression that she will act up so that she will get kept in. Spoilt child energy comes in with her as if she needs validation. 9 of pentacles crossed with the 5 of cups. Complaining about drink already ..... yawn.
Last but not least 16th house mate is Kerry. I feel like she is going to change like the wind. Lots of sides to her. Initial feeling she is in my top 3 now. with Jenkins and Yinrun. Her cards are 9 of cups crossed with the Queen of cups. I think that she is going to put on that fighter side because she has had to fight but I feel like she just wants to win.
Ooooooh first twist.... collect the parcel from the hatch. Omg pass the parcel lol Some nervous faces wondering if one of them is getting evicted. Pauls layer ......... ohhhhh taken the bed from Dylen. I wonder if the next one will be a good prize because none of them want to keep it now lol. Go on be good for Kerry lol. Omg poor Jenkin. I reckon that the public will keep him now because of all the things that keep happening to him. OMG HIS SUITCASE HAS EXPLODED I dont think that was his suitcase though. Ooooooh so glad he picked Olivia Im not that liking her much now. She is now going to go and get upset and cry etc. Already said spoilt child lol. Im liking Jenkins even more now lol.
Okay I am watching my first live stream. Im sorry if anyone is finding this blog a bit random but I am trying to write it how Im thinking/speaking at the time. I will be uploading images of the cards that I have drawn for each housemate and a bit more of a detailed description and my perception of what they mean.
The live streaming is kind of indicating to me that they are all still very aware of the cameras. It is early days though in fairness. There is not much to say really because i feel that they are all being careful and polite to each other even when some politics were discussed for a short time. I am going to sign off for now and i will get the facebook posts done tomorrow. I hope this is entertaining to someone :)