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Welcome to Aprils blog. I can hardly believe we are in April already. It should be an interesting month because you have two death cards here with different sets. I love it when this happens as it is confirmation that spirit are trying to get across a message. Death is a wonderful rebirth card and we have two very different decks here. The murder of crows deck is the traditional death riding in to carry you to the next life. The Santa Muerte deck show her pregnant standing over a crib with the sun at her back. The combination means that there is going to be some powerful energy this month to push us into change. It is important that you try not to resist any changes that are coming into your life because death is needed to bring in that rebirth. There will be things that need to come to an end and it will probably be that you dont want certain things to end or you are worried about something ending, but this month it is the right time to embrace these endings so that you can start that rebirth. The pregnant death is a powerful image and the message is equally powerful, rebirth is waiting you, dont resist it.

If we move on now to the minor arcana which is the ten of pentacles and the seven of swords. While the ten of pentacles is a really positive card the seven of swords is one to be careful of. The ten is the card that can mean security and wealth and financial opportunities, it comes to tell you that this month you need to pay attention to opportunities around around you and dont dismiss anything that is coming your way. Take notice of anything that is connected to your material world. This should be a good month for earning extra income or even finding some unexpected money coming your way. Now the seven of swords is often know as the liar or thief card and it coming in this month you are being guided to be careful of people wanting to take your money from you, or even the opportunities that come into your life. It is nothing to be scared of, just keep things to yourself this month and do not be tempted by any schemes that seem too good to be true. When I talk about opportunities with the ten of pentacles I dont mean things that you have to put money into unless they are a legitimate business idea and as said previously do check things out properly that come to you as an opportunity this month. So going back to the seven of swords it can often mean you are lying to yourself about something. So think about that and be truthful to yourself this month. Remember the two death cards? Well this is a month to take the bull by the horns and make sure that you are truthful to yourself about where your life is and whether you are happy with it. If not, you can start making plans to change things this month, even if you start a journal or a list of things you want to change, you should do something this month.

The oracle card says 'Loneliness - I know that I am never alone'. This is a reminder that sometimes you may need to reach out to those around you and tell them if you are struggling and if you need them. I know some of you may feel that others should see if you are in trouble, but please remember that most people have their own problems and sometimes they just dont notice or they are too busy dealing with their own problems to notice yours. The other meaning with this card is that you have guides and loved ones in spirit around you and if you need help you need to ask for it. Writing a letter to spirit is one of the best ways to communicate with them about what you want. Be specific but not too specific and you will find that they will help you if they can. If it is not what they feel is right for you they may not help you in they way you want or how you would expect. Always be grateful to your guides and spirit because they are helping you even though sometimes it may not seem like it.

The other oracle card, the words read 'Envious Gluttony' and it may feel an odd card to be in this months reading but it is a warning of looking at others and wishing for their life. You never know what is going on in someone's life and it is best to work on having the best life you can than wishing to have what another person has. This card has many different meanings to it but that is how I am reading it today for this blog. The image on the card says it all for me, someone sat in the dark wishing they could have everything that everyone else has but doing little for themselves and feeling bitter.

This months crystal card is Variscite and this is connected to the heart chakra and it is a wonderful stone for working on the self. This stone encourages us to love ourselves and also teaches us compassion to others. It is a good gemstone for helping us to see mistakes as lessons so that we can learn and then move on from them. If you are going to buy any gemstone this would be a good one to work with for Aprils energy.

The moon oracle card says 'A new romantic cycle begins' so for those looking for love this indicates that you could find someone moving into your life this month. For those of you in relationships you are encouraged to look at the positive things that you have with your partner and build on what you have. There should be lots of positive vibes around for relationships and love this month but dont expect too much, just go with the flow and be open to possibilities.

The last card is ancestors from the crystal skull deck. This ties the reading for April up quite nicely by saying that this month is idea for working with your ancestors. This is not just the ones that you knew in your life time, this is going back through the ages and tapping into the power from the past. Most people want to connect with those that have recently passed, but they forget about those elders from our past and the energy and information they hold that can help us. It is important this month that you think about those loved ones that are long gone, maybe do some research and a family tree. Find out where you came from and the names of those long gone so you can pay your respects.

So April looks to be an exciting month, opportunities and love and connecting with your ancestors. I hope you have enjoyed this blog. much love Suzi aka WarriorChick13 xxx xxx x xxx xxx


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