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A Quick Look At 2024

Well we are fast approaching 2024 so I thought I would lay out a few cards to see what the new year in general is going to bring for us. I have my usual crystal set which unfortunately is an old set and I cant remember the name of. The main tarot set I am using is my new and wonderful starman tarot set inspired by David Bowie. Then my lovely Santa Muerte set, the prism tarot, the crystal skull oracle and a free oracle set I got on the front of a magazine a few years ago.

So lets start off with our gemstone for the year lapis lazuli. It is a gemstone that has a connection with royalty both with the Egyptians and other royal families across the world. This is also a gemstone that represents truth and clarity which is what I feel is the focus for this year. We have had a couple of years where we have had chances to sort ourselves out both personally and as a world. I feel like most of us have not taken that chance and are still in a rut of none movement. This is for a variety of reasons but mostly it is because we dont want to see the truth and keep on shying away from major issues. The lapis card is telling us that this year we will be pushed into facing up to the truth and this could be uncomfortable but is much needed. Seeing the truth is most empowering because it means that a solution can be found and a way of moving forward and changing things will be seen.

The next is from the amazing starman tarot and the images are so wonderful and busy that every time you look you can see something else in the card, they are an ideal tool for meditation. The first is the Empress and the second is the 2 of pentacles. What I feel is with this combination that it is time for you to embrace the inner strength inside of each of you, this is shown with the Empress. This is a card of abundance and strong female energies and however you identify the Empress is a wonderful energy to embrace for this year. The 2 of pentacles shows that you can juggle responsibilities in your life and bring balance in, but you also need to know when to let something go for the time being and focus on something different. 2024 is going to be a year when you need to start seeing this balance and not allow your life to be focused on one thing. Going back to the lapis and seeing the truth this is what the 2 of pentacles is telling us. We should look deep inside our selves and see what needs to be changed and then start making those changes and we can then have the abundance that the Empress offers us. This could be a strong year for you who is reading this.

The next is the 8 of swords with another of my favourite decks and this one honours the Santa Muerte. It makes sense that this card is coming in when we need to see the truth because this is a card that represents the ability you have to put obstacles in your own way. If you are struggling with life then look at what you are trying to achieve. It may simply not be the right time and all you are doing is wasting time trying to fight for something that is not meant to be at this time. The other thing with this card is it tells you that you put obstacles in your way when you dont want to deal with something. Try to face up to the things you have been putting off. This is the year when you can find the strength to do the things you have avoided. If you are reading this today then you can find this strength and should use the energy of this year to complete all those things you have been shying away from.

The next is the 9 of cups and this is a lovely card to come in for 2024, it is commonly known as the wishing card and means that you can have wishes come true this year if you embrace the energies and work with them instead of against them. This is with the prism tarot and the key word on the card is 'emotional stability'. If you can attain this it is a powerful tool that you can use to build a wonderful life and complete the goals and lessons you are hear for.

The next is the Crystal Skull message cards and for 2024 it is Obelisk. This is another card that talks about the truth and not compromising yourself. If you are reading this then the energy of this year has the promise to transform your life from existing from one day to the next to achieving your dreams and realising that the truth is the best path. The Obelisk is often seen as a protective symbol and it means that spirit are going to be working closely with you this year so you can see what you need to do to get yourself on your best path. There is more to life than what you are making of it right now.

The last is the oracle card and it says 'FRIENDSHIP - I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason' This is to remind you not to question the connections you are making and for you to make te most of them and not neglect friendships that are around you now. Self preservation is often something that becomes quite overwhelming if you are not careful and sometimes friendships suffer because of that. There will be some new friendships but also you need to remember the old ones and what they have bought to you in past years. It doesnt mean you have to allow people to take over your life, just remember to touch base with old friends so that you can keep that connection alive and remember why they were friends in the first place.

So over all this year is about seeing the truth of how you are living your life and putting aside negative situations and people in order to get on your best path. I do fear that if we do not do that this year then it will start to become too late to make changes. It is only one year and we all know how quickly that can pass. So buckle down and see the truth and there can be a great deal of abundance to come in and around you. This year could be the best year for a long time.

all my love and best wishes to you who is reading this from Suzi aka WarriorChick13 xxx xxx x xxx xxx


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