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2023 - A quick look at the year ahead

Welcome to 2023, the image above shows a mini reading and general look at what this year should bring to the world and the energy that will be around. We are being pushed to crisis point with a recession upon us in the UK and the fuel and energy prices being pushed up. What I am seeing is the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer. People are still not bothered about the environment and have become more self focused in general. I feel as if it is going to get worse before it gets better and people have to stop and think about how their actions impact others and on a grander scale, the world. So lets have a look what the cards say.

The first card is a lovely little oracle set called 'The Souls Journey Lesson Cards' they are by James Van Praagh and this is one of the free cards I obtained on the front of one of the mind body spirit magazines I bought last year. I cannot for the life of my think which one it was, but it goes to show that sometimes the free decks can be wonderful and should not be passed over. The wording on the card says BLAME - I accept responsibility for my well being. We have all been guilty of blaming other people or situations for problems in our lives. I feel like this year in particular you need to be willing to say no when people ask favours of you. If you do not like the job you are in then look for something else. If you are ill or not feeling right then go and see your doctor. I know so many people, myself included that just try and get on with it and then end up completely exhausted and wiped out and missing out because they are doing too many things for other people and not going to the doctors. One thing I have had to learn to do in 2022 is to say no because my health has been really suffering and has got to breaking point. I want to urge everyone else to start saying no more often and not feeling guilty because of it. The wording on this card does indicate that this year has to be about the self much more than previous years. What I feel is that the givers have been giving so much more and the takers have taken more and more, there needs to be a balance now.

The next 2 cards come together as they are from the same wonderful deck of cards. This being the Santa Muerte deck by Fabio Listrani. This is one of my most favourite deck and I use it all the time. The cards are the Emperor and the 8 of swords. Both these cards carry warnings about placing limitations on ourselves and being so set in our ways that we stop our own progression. However the Emperor tells us that we can step up and be in control of our own lives. I do see that this card means there will be more people standing up to authority and trying to get their point across. However what I do feel is that this will be on both sides of the fence. There will be good people trying to do what is right and fair and drawing attention to the problems of this world. There will be others that try to protect their own self interests and will stand and be rigid and push back against the good. There are going to be more problems with the world in general because I feel as if on a grander scale that Putin will not like losing and may do something much more drastic against the country of Ukraine. I feel sick when I think about it and I feel as if a whole can of worms is going to be opened there. I am praying that some intervention will happen before then. I feel like Putin will suddenly be gone, its difficult to know how this will happen or when, but I do feel he will just be gone from the pubic eye. Whether this is through death or him just going into hiding I cannot say, but it is just what I feel, and I cannot say when it will happen. The Emperor card for us personally is saying that you can take control of your life and while you shouldnt be too rigid, you also need to have some structure in your life. The 8 of swords traditionally shows a woman with a blindfold on inside some swords and she cannot see a way forward. This is a card that says you put obstacles in your own way. Take the blindfold off and you will find there is an alternative route, and you should be willing to try something different or put your focus into something else for the time being. Do not get bogged down with trying to move in directions that are too difficult and bringing you stress. Sometimes distracting yourself with a different route for a while can be therapeutic. Although there are some things that you need to do and get on with and they may seem difficult but if they are health or legal situations then you should gather your strength and get on with it. On a worldly level this card is saying that there will be a lot of people in power putting barriers up and refusing to listen or do what is best for the majority.

The next card is from a crystal deck and I cannot for the life of me remember what it is called, I have had this deck for many years and I have lost the box. The crystal is Kyanite and it is a wonderful crystal for communication and problem solving by encouraging you to sit quietly and think about issues you have and then you will be able to come up with a solution. Kyanite also doesnt hold any negative energy so it doesnt really need cleansing. So getting this crystal in a reading you are being guided to examine each problem one by one and solve it before moving onto the next one. On a world level it feels as if some problems are going to rise to the surface and we are going to be forced to deal with them.

The knight of wands with the 'Murder of Crows Tarot' by Corrad Roi tells you that there should be renewed enthusiasm for goals that you have ut aside. What you need to do though is forget the urge to jump in with both feet before examining the road ahead. Its a wonderful card and says that you should have some positive energy around you that will push you to pick up old projects and also new ones coming to you that will inn turn give you confidence and help you tap into your personal power. Nothing should be over looked this year, just look before you leap. On a worldly level I feel as if there will be lots of new ideas and people will run at things head on but it will not always be the best thing to do. The problem is when you have people in power that are like that there can be a lot of chaos for those around them.

How interesting that the 'Wild Unknown Tarot' by Kim Krans has given us the son of wands which is also the knight of wands and I feel that this doubles the energy around the card. So repeating advice from before you need to act on those things you want to get started this year. Also the knights can be seen as messengers so there should be lots of positive news coming your way, if you are reading this today. It is a card that means you should grab things with both hands. Do not be scared to leave some people behind for the time being as it is important that you act now and dont let anything pass you by without examining it.

The next card is with an unusual oracle deck called the 'Dark Mirror' by Riccardo Minetti and Laura Sava. The images are really very striking and lovely to work with. So card number 24 Queen of my world is urging you to embrace who you are and not to try and change yourself for other people. I see so many people that have regrets because they are not able to do the things they like because other people dont aprove. I think this year is about being open and if the people around you dont like your lifestyle or interests then maybe its time to change who you spend a lot of your time with. On a worldly scale I feel as if minority views and lifestyles are going to start becoming popular when more people start to see that its what is needed for this world to become a better place. Also lots of people agree with the minority lifestyles but will not speak up for fear of being ridiculed by those they know and love. On a lighter note to explain what I mean, I am not that bothered about Ant and Dec the presenters but I like Harry and Megan. Most people around me completely disagree with me, but I dont really care, I am entitled to my views :) So I do feel that you are going to find more people coming out and saying what they think and changing the way they are living their lives. It just feels that the universe is pushing us to change now and that we are going to be pushed hard because the soft approach is not working.

The next deck is the lovely Moonology deck by Yasmin Boland and the card is the blue moon and the wording says 'believe in the impossible'. I love this card and its one of those that tells you miracles can still happen. You have to stop focusing on the negative things and be grateful for what you have in your life. Even if you have to go back to the basics of being glad you have a roof over your head and an internet connection to read this blog on. I say this all the time, even to myself, and sometimes it can be difficult, but being glad for the small things that are in your life will lead to more positive energy around you. I do feel though that more people are going to be moving towards a more spiritual life and that they are going to be surprised at how quickly they adapt to it. There will be a need to change and adapt and if people dont I feel as if they will be left behind. The world cannot wait any more while we sit about and debate on what we should do. The blue moon is about wishes coming true but I feel in the context of the world it will mean that more people will be on board with trying to save it.

Lastly we have the lovely Crystal Skull oracle deck by White Elk woman, and this is one that you should have in your collection its a wonderful deck of cards. The card is called Earth and I do feel that there will be a need to make some really big changes to the way we are living in general. We are ravishing the earth and there needs to be drastic changes. The big problem is trying to get all countries on side with this and that the ones on board are going to have some difficult decisions to make. This card is telling us that we should all do our bit however small it is. Making changes ourselves can also encourage the people around us and those we come into contact to also make changes. No change is too small, and its better to make small gradual changes that we can stick to, rather than making grand gestures and then not sticking to them for long.

Beore I bring this blog to an end I will apologise for it taking so long to be published. I have already had some challenges this year :) I will however be counting my blessings as things are never as bad as they seem. The last thing I will add to this rather lengthy blog is that you should not carry on grudges this year. There is far too much that needs to be done and when you are holding onto trying to get back at someone you are not focusing on your personal goals. You dont need to force karma on people, the universe brings that about. I often get accused of cursing people because of my lifestyle and people that wrong me always feel Im sat around the cauldron sending negative energy and bad things to them. People curse themselves by behaving so badly that they bring negative energy into their own lives and because they are paranoid that you are going to try and get them back they then wish in their own bad luck. So if you are one of those people holding onto the past, let go and break the cycle. Get on with your own life and focus on your own goals, it will serve you better.

I will end the blog with one of my favourite prayers. All my love and blessings Suzi aka WarriorChick13

xxx xxx x xxx xxx

Ave Maria, gratia plena

Dominus tecum

benedicta tu in mulieribus,

et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.

Sancta Maria mater Dei,

ora pro nobis peccatoribus,

nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.



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