My Vegan Journey
I'm through my first week yet on my quest to become a vegan, and I feel that it is going well. That is until I tell you I have done nothing but eat junk food. However I am going to start monitoring what I am eating and try to eat more healthy food from now on. If you don't already know I have tried the vegan lifestyle before and failed at it, but this time I tied it in with Lent a Christian time of the year. I am really proud of myself so far as even when I have gone out I have made sure the food I was eating was vegan and also had black coffee when alternative milk wasn't available. Although I have done a massive amount of research to see what vegan dishes my local takeaways have on their menu's.
So upon writing this I feel that this time I am going to make it. I am in the process of clearing my cupboards out and getting rid of anything in them that is not suitable for my now. I think that the easy option for me is to order takeaway when there is nothing else in. That is going to stop as I will get organised soon and get back to having my selection of salads in. Although I did find out at the weekend that Subway sweet onion and sweet chilli sauces are both vegan when I enquired. One of the staff in the Trafford Centre branch were vegan and told me both of those were ok to eat. So I think that I may buy a couple of salad bowls while I am out today as a more healthy option.
Anyway, back to the point, I thought about when I became vegetarian and didnt remember having any cravings at all for meat.... no not even bacon. Thinking about the difference I realised that I had surrounded myself by the cruelty of the meat industry. I do remember having wall to wall leaflets of animals being killed and that kind of thing. So what I have done is to change my screen savers and wall papers on my phone to pictures of cows being ill treated and it reminds me why I am doing it. If you not into being vegan you may find it a bit dramatic of me, but I really want to do this so I am pushing myself.
I am finding again that none vegans are trying to tell me that I am being stupid or over dramatic. Can you believe even the people at church don't understand it and I had some several comments that I found offensive, but I rose above it. I am at the stage in my life where I feel that I not longer have to push my views into peoples faces, and I see that its because my choice makes them think about their choices. However if I am constantly pushed I can see me telling people what I think of their choices, when they tell me what they think of mine, and I don't think that will go down well.
So back onto the point of this blog which was to update you on my journey and I feel that I am going to do it this time around. I have support from spirit and I feel that once I get on track with it all I will start focusing on eating organic and less processed options. I will post again soon and I am sure I will have some lovely stories about what the none vegans around me are saying to me.
All my love Suzi xxx xxx x xx xxx